Physical Therapy

Help people relieve pain and regain their lives.




4 years

Start date



Laboratory training

Hospital training

General Info




4 years




Laboratory training

Hospital training

The Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy (BSPT) consists of general education and
professional courses, plus an internship program that involves assigning students to different CHED-accredited affiliation centers that cater to various patients/client

The student during his internship program will be trained and exposed on clinical and
non-clinical experiences which include patient/client evaluation and management from
different populations including but not limited to Neurological, musculoskeletal,
cardiopulmonary, pediatric, geriatrics, well population and community-based

About the Physical Therapy study programme

Structure and content

The College of Physical Therapy is committed to provide high quality education to competent and globally competitive students who will be future autonomous clinicians, educators, leaders, and consumers of research.

The College of Physical Therapy program is designed to develop students to become competent professionals who possess service-oriented leadership aligned with the advocacy of life-long learning and equipped with innovative communication that will help them translate science to the betterment of every member of the community.


The programme is organised around:

  • Common core programme
  • Traineeship (9-13 weeks)
  • Final project


Common core programme


  1. Apply knowledge of physical sciences, social sciences, health sciences and natural sciences to the practice of Physical Therapy.
  2. Demonstrate consistent competence in conducting a comprehensive examination, evaluation, and assessment of patient’s/clients across the lifespan within a broad continuum of care.
  3. Demonstrate consistent competence in planning and implementing appropriate physical therapy interventions   for patient’s/ clients across the lifespan within a broad continuum of care
  4. Apply teaching- learning principles in different learning environment
  5. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in various practice settings.
  6. Demonstrate research- related skills in application of best practice evidence in the performance of various roles in different practice settings
  7. Promote and improve quality of life through the practice of the profession.
  8. Actively engage in lifelong learning activities.
  9. Work effectively in an inter- professional collaborative setting
  10. Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication skills as well as reading and listening
  11. Demonstrate social and professional responsibility and ethical behaviors in multicultural settings and scenarios.
  12. Maximize the use of innovative technology in the practice of profession.





The Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy is a four-year degree program consisting of general education and professional courses that aims to produce physical therapists who are competent to fulfill professional responsibilities in the following areas:

  1. patient/client care in various settings for different populations;
  2. education of individuals and groups;
  3. administration and management of physical therapy programs, institutions and facilities, including private practice and delivery of home health services
  4. lifelong learning for the development of the professional;
  5. health promotion
  6. advocacy for the advancement of the profession;
  7. community service and development; and
  8. research



The BSPT includes an internship program that involves assigning students to different
CHED-accredited affiliation centers that cater to various patient/client populations. The
intern/student during the training will have exposure to a variety of opportunities that
will prepare them for the different roles expected of them upon graduation.

The exposure will focus on both clinical and non-clinical experiences which include
patient/client evaluation and management from different populations including but not
limited to Neurological, Muscoskeletal, Cardiopulmonary, Pediatric, Geriatrics, Well
population and Community-based rehabilitation.

Fees and tuition

Fees and Tuition

For information on tuition fees, you may contact the finance department at the
following: Direct line (8)712-3230, 0966-844-9418 or send them an email at :

Payment Methods

Pay at the SACI Accounting Office following corona virus disease prevention protocols
Pay via on line banking


A student who wishes to pursue the BSPT Program must be a Senior High School
Graduate and is encouraged to take the STEM strand under the Academic Track. The
strand provides the basics of applied mathematics and sciences that will be useful in
taking the BSPT program.

Career Opportunities

Physical Therapy practice includes the following but not limited to:


  1. Clinician
    • Neurologic Physical Therapy
    • Musculo-Skeletal Physical Therapy
    • Cardio-Pulmonary Physical Therapy
    • Pediatric Physical Therapy
    • Geriatric Physical Therapy
  1. Sports Physical Therapy
  2. Health and Wellness Physical Therapy
  3. Rehabilitation Manager
  4. Rehabilitation / PT Clinic Owner
  5. PT Educator
  6. Researcher
  7. PT Practice Advocate
  8. Functional Movement for Health Advocate
  9. Community-based Physical Tehrapist



Telephone No.: 02-87125633

Email Address:

Facebook Messenger: Saci PT


Meet the graduates