About southeast asian college

See our humble beginnings, why we want to serve

students, and the people behind the school.


Since 1990

Number of courses


General Info


Since 1990

Number of courses


What we believe in

We believe that a career comes from a balance of two things: Helping society, and enjoying what you do. At SACI, you will become part of a family that equips you with the academic and interpersonal skills to thrive in the real world.

See our humble beginnings, why we want to serve students, and the people behind the school.


Southeast Asian College Inc. (SACI for short) was organized in 1997  to meet the demands of a growing student population in paramedical sciences and business courses. It was formerly United Doctors Medical Center Colleges, and primarily catered to paramedical sciences such as Nursing, Midwifery, Radiologic Technology and Physical Therapy.

The college underwent a paradigm shift to become Southeast Asian College. It subsequently offered additional business courses such as Bachelor of Science degrees in Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Computer Science, Education, Business Administration, and Accountancy.

At present, the school collaborates with the government to help educate the youth at the Secondary level, specifically Grades 11 & 12, with the introduction of the K-12 Program.



Southeast Asian College Inc. (SACI) is a private, non-sectarian institution. It envisions itself as a centre for academic excellence, dedicated to the service of God, country and Filipino people. At SACI, students will become self-reliant, competent, and imbued with a sense of professionalism consistent with Filipino virtues and ideals.


Towards this end, the institution aims to:

  1. Provide a relevant, progressive (“affordable”) system of institution utilizing modern educational technology;
  2. Expose its students to exemplary and qualified men and women, committed to giving them education of the highest quality;
  3. Undertake strategic alliance with the leading educational, industrial and government institutions;
  4. Increase awareness of social responsibility by involving faculty and students in social and civic projects;
  5. Develop leaders in their profession who can contribute their share to nation-building.

Core values

  • Integrity
  • Wisdom
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Pride in One’s Work
  • Compassion





CTHRM Achievements

The CTHRM students enjoyed learning from participating in events like:
Chefs on Parade
Umami Culinary Challenge


College of Radiologic Technology Achievements

The CRT enjoys an average passing rate of above 50% for the last 5 years.
It has seen successful graduates in the board exam rankings:


Top 11 Millen Del Rosario
Top 20 Jan Monique Fajardo


Top 2 Marco Antonio Carpio
Top Top 4 Arden Malamug


Top 3 Girlie De Barbo


Top 2 John Paul Cacayan
Top 6 Aron john Tuazon
Top 8 Hannah Real


Top 9 John Esteve Lamen


Top 10 Anchel Cas